Wednesday, April 2, 2008

McCain's Long Road Ahead and the Slipping GOP

A March 20 report by the Pew Research Center doesn't bode well for Sen. McCain, who is already having to shout to be heard above the ruckus of the Obama-Clinton campaigns. From the survey:

Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans

In 5,566 interviews with registered voters conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press during the first two months of 2008, 36% identify themselves as Democrats, and just 27% as Republicans. 37% claim no party affiliation.

As you can see, McCain is being met with an electorate that is increasingly turning away from the Republican party. Perhaps in response to this, part of the mission of his Service to America Tour aboard the Straight Talk Express is to "re-brand" the GOP.

If the problem is branding, I suggest a good place to start would be jettisoning the title "Grand Old Party." GOP sounds like a 19th Century gentleman's club (members only), and not something that's going to draw in the passionate crusaders of the next generation of political participants. It just reminds us that McCain is Old. He may be Grand, but so far he's not been the life of the Party.

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