Monday, April 14, 2008

Your fellow citizens offer food for thought, part III

The ire of the public is up again!

Last week, Obama said in a Pennsylvania speech: " go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they feel through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not."

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Read the full speech HERE (bottom of page)
Hear the speech HERE

Today, the Washington Post reported that McCain (as expected) disparaged Obama's remarks, saying "These are the people that produced a generation that made the world safe for democracy. These are the people that have fundamental cultural, spiritual, and other values that in my view have very little to do with their economic condition." 

The Depression, McCain said, did not destroy "their confidence that America and their own lives could be made better. Nor did they turn to their religious faith and cultural traditions out of resentment and a feeling of powerlessness to affect the course of government or pursue prosperity."

The Post blogs are already full of comments. Here is a sample of the range of remarks left by Post readers (chosen for no partisan reason other than I am biased toward thoughtfulness as equally as I am biased toward idiocy):

I seem to remember in history class learning that a lot of people threw themselves from windows when the Great depression hit. I guess since he married a beer heiress he doesn't have to think about that. Posted by: The Oracle

So the guy with how many houses and a second wife that is how rich tells us Obama is "elitist." Obama's comments were in reference to all the emotional polling issues that Republican bring up each election because they have nothing else to stand on. Anti-gay marriage ammendments, for example, allow a person to cling to their religion as one issue they can vote about instead of facing all the real issues affecting the country. Posted by: BaselBob

Note to all: while those with money may be the elite, the term "elitism" refers to an attitude of superiority, regardless of income. In other remarks, though less openly, Obama's elitism has shown itself. That *this* is his year, and we shouldn't look for him to run again, is an elitist sentiment. His entire posture when delivering a speech--gesturing and speaking out across the heads of the audience--reveals an elitist attitude. Posted by: Allen Hoey

Why not just get down on your knees and beg for the votes? Oh, the Fine Hunting Tradition! The Glory of the Depression! Where did most of the residents hardest hit by the Dust Bowl go? California. That's a big reason why California is so 'Liberal'- It's made up of people who had their livelihoods taken away by nature, their houses taken away by banks, and their dignity taken away by 'farmers' in California. Posted by: McCainIsOld

An elite, unqualified, gutless, hypocrite like Obama -- who would have voted "present" on the Iraq war resolution if he could have (like his hundreds of gutless Illinois legislature votes) -- shows what he is really made of when he lies about not being present during Rev. Wright's tirades (and then has to change that lie), and now is trying to get out of what he said and meant about people who "cling" to religion. Posted by: Sal

I find it interesting that McCain and Clinton are both shocked... shocked! that anyone would dare insinuate that all is not well amongst the populace. Obama has not been a politician long enough to learn that most feel it necessary to sugar-coat and butt-kiss the voter at all times. Posted by: steve boyington

In an honest conversation about what Obama said, i would have to agree that it smacks of a bit of elitism. I think it is a misstep for him, and I could see it being a bit problematic. If all he did was say that many blue collar voters were bitter, I think he should have stopped there. When he pulled in Religion and guns (erie) I thought uhoh...

NEWS FLASH: Politicians are elitist!
REACTION: shrug...

Posted by: sodumb

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