Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Being Presidential – the candidates on Castro

Summaries of today’s press releases

Obama calls for political prisoners to be released and says that if Cuba takes steps toward becoming a democracy, then the U.S. must be prepared to normalize relations with it.

“Today should mark the end of a dark era in Cuba's history. Fidel Castro's stepping down is an essential first step, but it is sadly insufficient in bringing freedom to Cuba.”

Clinton put out the longest piece. She also calls for the release of political prisoners. Clinton says she would engage Latin America and Europe, enabling the U.S. to pursue an active policy in helping to bring freedom, democracy and opportunity to Cuba.

“The American people have been on the side in the Cuban people's struggle for freedom and democracy in the past and we will be on their side for democracy in the future.”

McCain also calls for the release of political prisoners, but expands his call to demand that Cuba legalize all political parties, labor unions and free media, and to schedule internationally monitored elections. He says Cuba’s transition to democracy is inevitable and the U.S. must help spark the revolution.

"Today's resignation of Fidel Castro is nearly half a century overdue. For decades, Castro oversaw an apparatus of repression that denied liberty to the people who suffered under his dictatorship.”

Paul weighed in a day late, calling for the removal of trade embargoes against Cuba. He believes the opening of free markets could push Communism out of the Western Hemisphere.

"Free trade and the open exchange of information are the best tools America has to combat international tyranny."

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