Thursday, February 21, 2008

The D’Oh! Factor - First Installment

Courting super-delegates goes grassroots 

My roommate just forwarded me an email that she received from the Clinton campaign. It has started a new website about super delegates, perhaps because they aren’t happy about Sen. Barack Obama cold-calling delegates himself. The message begins:

“There are a number of misconceptions about the role that delegates will play in this election, so we've launched a new website, the Delegate Hub, to help you cut through all the myths about the race for delegates.”

The message continues:

“It's important that we respect the independent judgment of automatic delegates, who have the responsibility of casting a vote for the candidate they believe is best qualified to be president.”

That paragraph was immediately followed by this link (which I found rather humorous):

“Click here to send a note to local automatic delegates telling them why you support Hillary, and why you think she will be the best leader for our party and our nation.”

On the main page, you will find five facts about Democratic delegates. The last two are the following:

“FACT: Florida and Michigan should count, both in the interest of fundamental fairness and honoring the spirit of the Democrats' 50-state strategy.

FACT: There is a clear path to an overall delegate majority (pledged + automatic) for Hillary Clinton after all states have voted -- with or without Florida and Michigan.”

As one who intends to make a career out of facts, I can tell you that those don’t quite fit the standard definition.

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