Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Your Fellow Citizens Offer Food for Thought

Comments on some of washingtonpost.com's politics blogs. The respondents have a tendency to start fighting with each other. NOT edited for grammar, spelling or content; NOT chosen for any (partisan) reason other than they were interesting:

"I'm a white male republican from Texas, now living in Colorado. I've voted Republican in every election for the past 20 years. This election, I plan on voting for Obama. But if Hillary is the nominee, I will vote for whatever schmuck the Republicans put on stage. I believe Republicans--and even some independents and democrats--will come out in droves to make sure we don't have another Clinton in the White House."

(A response to another comment:) "MSNBC, but that's not the only place I have seen that doc....and apology? Who do you think your are? Why don't you address the real questions? You don't? Do you have NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER? This party is divided? We in Illionois know in terms of just the amount of work OBAMA has done in Illinois, he has worked less that any of the three candidates (no show and no voting). Those of us not from Chicago, have been watching him...he has not kept a singel campaign promise to us. He talked change, and yes it go him elected in Illinois, of course when Jerry Ryan's exhusband had to drop out of the race because of a sex scandal he pretty much ran unopposed. He's not had to do any work, he's not paid his dues, you have to earn peoples respect...A lot of people would cross the Republican line not to vote for him...."

"Faux (Fox) News referred to McCain as a [Democrat]. If that's true, Ron Paul could be a D or a pygmy head hunter from Papua, New Guinea."

"As a resident of Washington State, it was nearly impossible to find a can of whoop-ass I needed for a Saturday backgammon tournament. I heard that the Obama team had gone through the state, and had bought every single can of whoop-ass it could get its hands on, a rumor substantiated by caucus results throughout the nation. Why doesn't the Post tell its readers in the Potomac area that they will not be ablr to get their hands on any cans of whoop-ass over the next few days, not even the 64 ounce ones sold at Costco?"

"Hillary's voice is one that represents all of America. Not just the poor or uneducated as most have been misled to believe, my wife and I hold six degrees. The media's sexist bias and misinformation campaign is afraid to give her a voice and ask the tough questions of her opponent, notice how the media handles Obama with kid gloves? They don't even give her equal air time and resort to personal and family insults."

"Bad enough to have all this fear-pushing from the Clinton Camp during the Primaries,
But then, you have to Fear the Republicans,

THEN, Back to fearing the Terrorists,
the Chinese,
the Immigrants,
the Economy,
Serial Killers,
Chinese Toys,
The Planet,
Killer Bees,
And Finally, the Old Standby,
Barack Obama (as the BoogyMan)

What a bunch of Chickens."


Anonymous said...

I live in the UK and simply can not understand this amazing statement which seems to be totally without logic:
"I'm a white male republican from Texas, now living in Colorado. I've voted Republican in every election for the past 20 years. This election, I plan on voting for Obama. But if Hillary is the nominee, I will vote for whatever schmuck the Republicans put on stage."

Is there a problem with IQ for these guys?

Why is Obama, with exactly the same policies not bad and Hillary is????

Hyacinth said...

Great job on the blog so far KStump... you give am word a good name.